Business & Empowerment Coach

12 years ago I was sitting in my car on a side street in Pittsburgh, waiting to die.

I felt my frail body breaking down, my heart beating erratically, weak from starvation and numb from all the cocaine I had just ingested.

At 82 pounds I was literally a bag of bones. Trapped in a sick dysfunctional reality of my own creation.

Do you know what a miracle it is that I am sitting here today a completely transformed woman!?

A woman who has faced her demons, who has spent the last 8 years dedicating her life to helping empower others to BREAK FREE from their dysfunctional patterns, to help show others that it is POSSIBLE to create the life of your DREAMS, and that if I can do it, YOU CAN TOO.

I’ve helped hundreds of women all over the world to break free, and create amazing lives of freedom, fulfillment, joy, bliss, and abundance beyond their wildest dreams.

Thinking about how far I’ve come, I wonder a lot about other people who feel stuck, trapped, and limited by the circumstances in their life…

Because I’ve been there. Literally in the depths of my chaos and confusion, I wonder… what was the difference that made the difference for me?

Because many people stay trapped, most people resist change, and they wonder why they aren’t living their dream life.

It all comes down to one simple thing.

(Okay so it was MANY things, but at the start it was simply one thing.)

And that was: the WILLINGNESS to change.

Because let’s face it- some people are just NOT willing to do what it takes.

People are lazy, unmotivated and full of excuses.

That’s the thing … if you really wanted to do it, you’d do it

But I know what it’s like

It’s really fucking delicious and miserable at the same time

It feels so good to be so self indulgent

Sitting on your ass, wasting time, deluding yourself over and over again on all the reasons why it’s everybody’s fault that you’re not where you want to be

Feel like a slap in the face?

I had SO many reasons why I couldn’t change.

I was raped, sexually assaulted, bullied, emotionally abused, and so on.

But maybe it’s not as dramatic for you.

It’s the economy, your husband/partner/kids/relationship, your bad mood, past resentments, the industry, the weather, the dog, the cat, your body, the spider in the closet, it’s the babysitters fault… I know I had a million and one excuses as to why I stayed stuck as an anorexic, bulimic, sick, addicted, cold-hearted bitch.

But you know what? That kind of RADICAL HONESTY was exactly what I needed in order to realize that I NEEDED TO CHANGE.

Good, I know I needed it too when I was stuck up in a place drowning in all my own bullshit about how I was “trying” so hard and just couldn’t seem to make it work, succumbing to all my inner demons and allowing myself to go down into a deep dark hole of nothingness…

But you want to know the good news?

Back then, it wasn’t my fault.

I had learned to be that way.

I was conditioned into that becoming.

I was living unconsciously from the fear-based programming of my past, and before I “woke up” I just didn’t know any better.

I was doing the best I could at the time, until I realized that if I wanted my LIFE to change, that I WOULD HAVE TO CHANGE.

Not the other way around.

And it was also my path, to go down the road of the dark night of the soul very early on in my years here on planet earth.

I was always destined to go through that nightmare for one reason and one reason only:


So if you’re sitting there in your pajamas eating pints of ice cream and stuffing your face with chips and cookies, smoking a bunch of weed or drowning in alcohol (or Netflix, or porn, or sex, or shopping, or addicted to the drama, or gossip, or mindless facebook/IG scrolling) and then getting frustrated and angry at yourself only to then to try and motivate yourself again by reading inspirational blogs and watching youtube videos to try and become a different person and change your life?

My hat is off to you.

You are well along your way.

You have much work to do – but at the same time?

Your entire life can change in an instant.

You can choose to turn it all around, right now if you want to.

I’m not saying that it is going to be easy.

Hell, I struggled for many years.

But the thing is that I was meant to LEARN how to overcome.

Through the struggles I found my greatest strength.

My obstacles became my greatest teachers.

I had to learn how to become my own best friend.

I had to learn how to treat myself with love and compassion.

I had to learn how to forgive.

I had to learn how to open my heart.

I had to learn how to invite in new possibilities for my life.

I had to learn how to ask for help.

I had to learn how to allow in support and receive in ways I was unaccustomed to and that felt awkward at first.

And most importantly of all?

I had to learn how to DREAM again, and find that child-like wonder and awe…

You know the kind of happiness that children have, that creates a sense of lightness and excitement as they wake up every morning to greet each brand new day with love and positive intention.

It was hard, it was scary, it was challenging, and at times it was so hard that all I wanted was to give up and opt-out of this life.

But you know what?

I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Because as a result of going through some of those hardest times in my life, I learned WHO THE FUCK I AM.

I discovered my PURPOSE.

I found a deeper meaning for my life and WHY I AM ON THIS PLANET.

I had to go through the shit to be able to get to the other side, brilliant, bright, shiny and a bigger, better, bolder version of myself.

So if you’re struggling today, know that you are not alone.

I have been through hell and back.

But these times are what you will look back on years from now and say —

These were the times that defined my CHARACTER.

These were the struggles that allowed me to grow into the PERSON THAT I AM TODAY.

And although it was hard, and difficult and trying… that I OVERCAME.

I overcame adversity through my willingness to see things through.

And the only way I did that was through the relentless dedication to holding the vision for what I truly desired for my life.

And now look at me!!!

Your future self is thanking you now for all the lessons that you are going through now in order to become who you truly are.

To UNLEARN all the old programmed ways of being and embody your True Essence. Your Soul. Higher Self.

Who You Really Are.

Because in the quantum reality of life, all these possibilities exist simultaneously for us to be able to choose WHAT FUTURE WE ARE CALLING IN.

And that future begins now.

What I realized back then was that I had a CHOICE. I could either open myself and be willing to be uncomfortable, do things that scared me, and face my fears…

OR I would be stuck in that vicious cycle forever.

If I chose the latter, I probably would not be here today.

I am forever grateful to my path for bringing me forward into the life that I have now.

What will you choose?

Are you ready to wake up and create the business and life of your dreams? 💎

In love & light always,

Lauren Love

P.S. I’m now taking applications for the next round of my newest course, “Create a 6 Figure Business From Soul,” and if you’re curious about getting started or want to learn more, message me today for details!! 🔥

It is time for you to step into the next level version of yourself – personally, professionally, & financially – and I’m here to help you UPLEVEL your life and start to PLAY BIG.

This isn’t for everyone, but if you’re ready and have the WILLINGNESS to do something DIFFERENT in order to get NEW RESULTS in your life – then you’re in the right place.

Curious? – message me today for details!! We start next week!!! ❤️

Love you bliss bosses!! 👑

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