image of spiritual business coach Lauren Love coaching

Most people think that in order to grow their business and their income, they just need to work “harder” or “smarter” or “faster” or whatever it is they think they need MORE of.

What if I told you it doesn’t “work” that way?

It actually doesn’t work that way at all.

I don’t know where humans came up with this concept, but it has been running you into the ground for far too long. They didn’t teach you about energy and the mind and how to utilize this intelligence within you to help you leverage your results.

You don’t have to simply rely on ‘sweat equity’ as you call it — in order to get massive results. In our world, that’s the equivalent of looking back at the cavemen and trying to start a fire with a stick and some leaves.

Why the hell would you ‘just’ do it on willpower and brute force alone?

That makes NO sense.

If the ONLY thing that’s “in” it is your body — you’re not going to get anywhere.

Let me explain.

Growth in business — the way that I know YOU desire— requires EXPANSION of the energy field.

Expansion of the energy field requires INTERNAL work coupled with EXTERNAL work.

When you utilize these disciplines and harmonize your body, mind, soul together — your capacity for energy INCREASES significantly.

THIS is what you really want to be focusing on.

You. are. an. energy. conduit.

You must have a similar ability to give. And. receive. Through the same vessel that is YOU.

Your body is the foundation, the container, the vessel… it’s like the ceramic pot that you plant a seed in. It holds everything in that needs to stay in — the dirt, and then allows the water to flow through, taking in the light and air as needed to grow, to survive, to thrive.

If you’re just trying to get business results being the ‘pot’ — well good luck to you! You’ll just get mediocre results.

And don’t get me wrong— even some people’s ‘mediocre’ results look amazing. You see them on FB and the gram all day long— big houses, fancy cars, even ripped bods, appearing as though they ‘have it all’… trust me, they don’t. If they didn’t utilize what I’m sharing with you today, there are areas that they have neglected and what they are creating materially may or may not continue to be sustainable… but if from an energetic standpoint is devoid of soul— well good luck to you! That is NOT the kind of wealth, success, and money results that I know you desire.

You see, wealth is an energy, a being-ness, something that you BECOME, not something that you receive.

The only TRUE wealth comes from being the person who knows that they can have it ALL— health, wealth, happiness, relationships, spirituality, business, etc — exactly on their terms.

That is how life works.

You don’t just have to settle for what is placed in front of you and try to “accept” what is.

Sure, when we’re on the path there are lots of things we will need to accept and set aside in favor for the long term vision we’re creating.

But never do we ever allow the present to become our “normal” if it isn’t 100% everything we desire.

And it NEVER will be.

There will always be unfulfilled desires.

There will always be things that you would like to bring into your experience.

That is the point!

Life has given you infinite opportunities to experience life from this vantage point of being a beautifully flawed human being!!

The point is to know that this is the point and to not be discouraged by the fact that your expansion will be ever-ongoing

The point is to be super fucking grateful and happy that it GETS to be this way!!

There will never be a ‘destination point’ when you finally ‘arrive.’

The destination point is in the NOW and that is why we say – be grateful for what is, this moment is your life.

In this moment right now— everything is available to you on a cellular and quantum level. Nothing is unavailable to you unless you CHOOSE it to be.

When you really wrap your mind around these concepts you will see that they make perfect sense and you are always in a place to step into exactly who you want to be right now.

Changes don’t take time.

Shifts don’t take years.

We just THINK that it does – so we create stories and rituals and all sorts of things in order to “get ready” to let go and “keep working on” the things that we’re not ready to let go of.

If you want to BE the person now who has all of the success, the money results and everything you desire — then you just decide and choose it NOW.

The Universe will conspire to make it happen FOR you.

You don’t have to make it happen.

This is a huge relief for most people and allows you to surrender back into the moment and just ask yourself,

“Now that I am completely free and can choose everything in my life, what is the soul aligned action to take? What is my soul drawn to in this moment? What is it that I just KNOW is my next right step?”

All of your choices create the new reality that you just called in— not JUST your business activities.

Who you are is not a reflection of just who you are in business as a leader— it is your entire life. How you treat yourself. How you treat others. What you do with your time. What you think. What you feel.

If on a daily basis there are things that you would NOT want to share with the world, I want you to contemplate this….

Imagine you had a camera crew following you around 24/7. If you feel as though there are things you would have to change BEFORE that happened, I want you to dig in and evaluate some of those things and choose to let go what no longer serves you as a leader, a role model and someone who people look up to.

You do NOT have to be perfect by any means… trust me on this one. But you do want to have a level of transparency where you can share it all and be proud of who you are and the way you live your life.

Grounded and rooted in who you are. Believing and trusting in yourself 100% of the time. Expecting that you will receive at the level that you call in.

What level do you see yourself at?

This is amplifier #1: See yourself through the lens of the person you desire to become

What do you expect— of yourself, of your money, of your business?

Don’t expect it to just snap out of thin air- although it COULD happen- you do just name it, claim it, and release it. Detach from the idea that it has to happen NOW.

While at the same time (I know such a contradiction get over it)— EXPECTING A MIRACLE.

Who are you at this level?

What does your life look like?

What are your internal emotions— how do you feel, speak, move, act?

What are you thinking? What are your deeper beliefs that created this reality in the first place?

Once you get yourself into this place of feeling, being, and knowing this is who you ARE— you take action from this place.

Let’s bring it back to the example from the beginning of this article.

This is what I mean by bringing your WHOLE self into building your business.

If you just take action in the physical – but you don’t align all your energetic bodies with the vision and future YOU that you are becoming – well all that action is going to produce a lot of friction and yes, from that point you WILL see results, sometimes even big results, but you can see it’s almost like spinning your wheels, right?

It’s like a 1% effective version — and lots of people can get GREAT results with that caveman version of getting results.

HOWEVER when you put your WHOLE HEART, WHOLE MIND, BODY AND SOUL into it… you step into your future and truly FEEL, SEE, KNOW, and BELIEVE with every cell of your being that this is how it GETS to be… you step into an alternate universe where in this world you ALREADY HAVE THE RESULTS.

If you already have the results then you just let go and surrender.

You just ARE that person and so you can show up doing the work completely unattached just doing what you love. There is no ‘grasping’ or scarcity mindset involved.

Your entire energy HUMS with the vibration of the Universe.

When you create from this place – you are being in an EXPANDED version of yourself – which in turn sends out an electrical impulse to the world… this vibration is an elevated signal that attracts back to it the vibrations that correspond with the messages you are sending out.

In that way — you are energetically calling in what you desire… and becoming a match for what you desire at the same time.

You don’t need to run around scrambling doing all the ‘physical’ work all day long, worrying about IF it’s going to happen.

And YES you DO need to do the practical work.

But the practical work isn’t ‘practical’ in any conventional meaning of the word!

Amplifier #2: We call it alignment unleashing – as this is technically what you are doing.

Once you get ‘aligned’ you may then ‘unleash.’

This goes for projects, books, blogs, videos, coaching calls, speeches, etc.

Anything where you are being called into the world famous leader version of you.

Also, you can use this technique with anything else that you like in your life- it will work just the same.

Get yourself into that space of alignment and then press UNLEASH.

Flow. Download. Go. Click.

It may even be to trigger you to relax. Soul unleashment is not just about the doing you know.

You must have that balance of BEING and DOING.

When you tune in and allow your soul to be unleashed and followed every moment of the day, you will find that your life becomes an exciting adventure.

Business and life become one.

Your energy is greatly expanded by everything you are doing – and when you remain in this state – this is what brings forth to you everything that you desire.

Amplifier #3: Expanding consciousness

When you expand, vibrate, and observe what happens – you create magic.

Remember it is all one big flow and we are all interconnected on one big energetic blanket – like a fucking quilt of energies and souls that are all patch-worked together that interact and collide and merge and intersect and bounce off of each other every moment of every day.

You have a MASSIVE IMPACT on the expansion of consciousness whether you realize it or not.

Contemplate this and your power, energy, and results will multiply 10x.


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